There came a point in our lives where we asked ourselves, "Who are we?" and failed to fully know ourselves. This leads us to make bad decisions and have failed relationships with others. As humans, it is critical to understand ourselves as we grow into the people we want to be.
The self is a repository of knowledge.It is the idea that all of a person's knowledge from childhood to the present defines him.The knowledge a person gains from his environment as he grows up is important in defining him.As such, everything that is learned from family, school, neighborhood, and society will have an impact on a person. What a person sees or hears is processed by the mind and learned as a result, and it sometimes becomes mindlessly a part of that person.These beliefs, teachings, values, and knowledge instilled in a person's mind will define that person because they are the foundation built in him. For instance, a person who was born into a rich household is different from a person who was born into a poor household. Their worldviews may differ depending on what their family and environment taught them.Additionally, this may also be applied to the things a person learned from his mistakes and how he responded to and coped with them. The things he learned may be useful or not, but this gives him a chance to improve himself, reflect on his wrongdoings, and own up to them. Every mistake a person makes, he will learn from it, giving him a chance to fix himself and be better. A person is what he learned, and as he grows up, his knowledge increases, giving him more choices on how to act on all the things he learned.
As a result, self is an accumulation of knowledge. Everything a person learns over time will be part of him, defining who he is. This implies that a person should be cautious about what he is exposed to, as it may become him.
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