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A Young Adult's Review of the book "The Path of Prosperity" by James Allen

 I was looking for a new book to read when I stumbled to this one. The title poked my interest. I thought, Hey, I'm 19 and it would not be bad to read more serious genre. I am not a bookworm, but sometimes I read books to pass time and mostly are fictions. As a troubled young adult in my new phase  in life, I longed for guidance that my parents can't barely give, so I settled to a less hassle alternative, reading books.

Reading "The Path of Prosperity" is very overwhelming. I can't hardly recall any phrase from the book. I guess it was too much for me but I did finish it in two days. However, I believe that I need to reread it to fully understand the context of the book. In this blog, I will be sharing to you my thoughts about the book as a novice in reading and writing as well. 

It was a great book. There was a lot of ideas that can put you to think deeply and unfamiliar words to make you grab a dictionary. It was really knowledgeable book where you can gain ideas that may contradict your own but I loved how it made me see and question myself. It talks about the evil around us that may caused by the evil within us. I like how it talks about self conquest because lately I observed that I am a slave to myself. That must be the caused of my unprosperous state. The author was amazing in constructing his thoughts about happiness, success, and prosperity and he interpreted it in his book so well. 

I don't want to spoil anything. So, I suggest  you should read it and tell me what you think.


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